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300,00 BGN
4 days (41 study hours)
The applicants for the course have to hold competence of operation, management or support level from deck or engine department. Individuals, who are not officers, but still want to attend the course, have to hold valid certificates for courses “Basic Safety Training”. Shore staff, involved in the processing of DG, should have at least secondary education.

The course provides acquiring knowledge and skills of ship officers and other persons, appointed by the ship owner, engaged with classification,  packing, marking/labeling, preparation of cargo plans/segregation, securing, loading and discharging operations and care during the voyage, preparation of cargo papers of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes (dangerous goods (DG)) in packaged and solid bulk form. In this course can participate also persons who work at ports and are engaged with the organization and control of handling of such cargoes. The course includes training about the characteristics and classification of cargoes, requirements for packaging and labeling, segregation onboard, loading/discharging, taking care of cargo during the voyage, as well as the safety procedures during their handling and the prevention of sea pollution.

The program is designed to meet the training requirements of Chapter A-II/1, А-II/2, A-II/3, B-V/b and B-V/5c of the STCW’ 78 Convention, as amended and the requirements of Chapter 49 of the US Code of Federal Regulations and requirements of Chapter 1.3 of IMDG Code for those working at ports. The program can be used also for a refresh course.

Those who have successfully completed the course will be able to

know the detailed instructions about cargoes classes and their basic chemical and physical characteristics, classification and labeling, requirements concerning packaging and packages, requirement for storage and segregation of different types of cargo depending on their method of transportation, safety measures during handling of these cargoes, content and usage of Codes regulating carriage of DG and the respective documentation, as determined in the IMDG Code and its appendixes, as well as the systems for reporting the accidents involving DG, harmful substances and marine pollutants.

to be able to apply requirements for carriage of DG when prepare the cargo plan for carriage and securing of DG; plan and conduct safe loading/discharging operations; perform inspection of packaging and labeling for permissibility for transportation; to control all the operations involving DG; prepare and maintain the required documentation for transportation; apply emergency procedures in accordance with cargo specifics, prepare and submit reports involving DG and conduct effective control on the perils and risk management onboard the ship.

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