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720,00 BGN
5 days (40 study hours)
Reg. VIII/2 and Ch.II-A-II/1,F I p.2 ,FIII p.5 and 7. of STCW' 78 as amended in 2010 and the national standartd to this training.

The course is designed for theoretical and practical training, refreshment and update of knowledge and skills of students in ”Maritime Navigation” in University and Secondary school and the trainees in vocational qualification courses as well, and seafarers holding competence OOW, chief officers and masters of various types of ships on management of bridge team and resources through intensive use of an interactive full mission maritime ship bridge simulator. The course is developed under the requirements of The National Standard for training in course ”Bridge Team and Resource management” from 08.12.2011 issued by the Executive Agency ”Maritime Administration” of Bulgaria and of STCW Convention 78, as amended (Reg. I/12, Sec. A-I/12, part 1, Para 1-6, Sec. B – I/12 Para 1-39 within connection Reg. VIII/1 & 2. Sec. A-VIII – 1, A-VIII/2, part 2&3 Para 8-51 and Sec. B – VIII, part 3-1 Para 2-5) and is carried out in accordance with the approved by Bulgarian Maritme Administration programme, training materials and  simulator.
Practical and training studies are carried out in a full mission bridge simulator with adjoining premises, well appointed with modern technical aids for navigation – compasses, logs, helm indicators, ECDIS, RADAR&ARPA, NAVTEX, AIS, communication aids and visual sights of training areas for sailing. Practical and training studies are provided with relevant for training areas set of navigational charts, sailing directions, list of lights, radio signal books, tide tables, ship logs and plotting instruments. 
The trainees who successfully completed this course, a certificate “Bridge Team and Resource Management" will be issued by Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" in accordance with the form provided in Appendix 27 of the Regulation № 6 for the competence of the seafarers of the Republic of Bulgaria.

This course can be carried out and in English - course fee:  1100 BGN.

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