Head office and registered address: 73 str. Vassil Drumev, Varna, Bulgaria
Legal/organization form: Public company LTD (EAD)
Organization structure
Chairman: Мr.Krastio Krivov
Vice Chairman: Mr.Dimitar Karbov
Executive Director: captain Dencho Dobrev
Line of business:
Presently BMTC provides over 40 different training courses focusing on the following main areas of training: STCW Compliant Training, Preparatory training courses for achieving higher maritime competency, Specialized Training for Tanker Operations - Oil, Chemical and Gas tanker, Oil, Chemical and Gas Tanker Familiarization Training, Simulation – Navigation, Simulation – Engine Team & Resource Management, Specialized Courses, Engineering Courses, Passenger ships familiarization training, Ro-ro Passenger ships familiarization training, Fast Rescue boat, OS prep courses, etc. Customer’s satisfaction is the focal point of all BMTC activities.
Being a member of Global Maritime Education and Training Association GLOBAL BMTC works in close relations with its colleagues all over the world.
The Centre makes investments in modern equipment and it maintenance - the latest versions of Bridge, Engine Room and Liquid Cargo Handling Simulators of Kongsberg are in operation here. After integration of the three simulators the training responds to the highest standards in simulator performance. Training site and the barquentine 'Kalialra', several types of rescue boats, fire fighting ground, modern teaching aids, video films, etc. help to provide qualitative and cost effective learning. Contemporary training environment, high experienced lecturers and instructors and a rich library of maritime publications help seafarers get the excellent service they deserve. BMTC provides maritime training courses and seminars mainly.