This course aims to improve medical training of masters, chief mates and second officers in order to assure their abilities to render first aid and medical assistance to sick and injured persons onboard till properly qualified medical personnel provide the relevant medical care for them.
According to the Regulation VI/4 p.2 and Section A-VI/4 para 4 of STCW 78' as amended in 2010, the officers, employed by the Company are required to prove that for the last 5 years they have reached the required norms of competency. The examination or evaluation as part of the syllabus is one of the ways to prove it.
The training is performed in accordance with the Requirements of the IMO Model Course 1.14 and the Directive 2008/106/EС of the European Parliament and of the Council, as well.
After successful course completion a certificate“Proficiency in Medical Care on Board” is issued in accordance with the Regulation VІ/4 and Section A-VI/4 para 4-6 of STCW'78 as amended in 2010.
The training is carried out in specialized medical workshop.
This course is provided in English or Russian language on customer request, price- 756 BGN.